Thursday, May 16, 2019

Finding Freedom in the Bodymind- The Being Space

Finding Freedom in the Bodymind-
The Being Space

There is a place of un-knowing- a place in the body, where there is no need for specific form, no need to define, and definitely no need for function- or thinking of function, and there is no room for judgment.

It is an open field- maybe it is close to what is called open attention in Continuum Movement, or constructive rest, it could be a movement meditation- or stillness- just being in the internal space- giving room for the being-ness of existence without the need to name, learn, control, or analyze…

It is a space of allowing and sensing, receptive but not expectant… or something like that.

This place is a major recuperation zone. Supremely beneficial to the autonomic nervous system as it shifts into the parasympathetic flow of rest and digest, sooth and settle. It may be the unconscious processing space, sort of the unconscious movement processing space etc. It is a place of slowing down, letting go, healing. 

In this place deep cellular holding patterns can loosen and begin to resolve. 

Photo Credit- Ella Condon- The Dreaming 

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