Sunday, May 26, 2019

The SHAKEOUT - a fun way to release tension


This is a fantastic exercise to release tension, to shift energy, and to generally enhance your chillax capacity.  I think I first learned it at the Laban Institute of Movement Studies in the nineties. The Shakeout provides an energetic release of whatever needs to get out, clearing the slate for new sensations and experiences. If you have to do something that makes you nervous the shakeout is a good way to release unnecessary tension beforehand. Great before a performance, public speaking, meeting the parents…

It doesn’t require much physical space, but you probably want to be somewhere that is fairly soundproof if you are going to participate full throttle or full throat-al.

How To:
Lay on the floor (or your bed) on your back. Extend your arms and legs into the air in front of you, reaching for the ceiling. This can be done with just upper or just lower body if you have any injuries or movement restrictions. Take a big deep breath and then shake your arms and legs as hard as you can while you let out a big yell. Repeat several times. Most likely it will eventually lead you into laughter. In my classes at the gym, we would usually arrive at laughter by the 3rd time. This is especially potent when done in groups but alone is fine too.

Variations- instead of yelling you can try stomping and shouting yes and/or no.
You can do it standing or bouncing on a physio ball.
You can do it without the yell while standing up too- just shake your body as hard as you can comfortably shake.
If you are in public and can’t find a room, try to go into a restroom stall. It really helps to relieve the jitters and loosen up your energy. Your nervous system will thank you!

Photo - Ella Condon

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