Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Feelings In Formation, The Bodymind in Shape.

Our bodies are constantly adapting to our experiences in the world. How we hold our body, our tension patterns, and our movement choices lead to how we are held by our tissue.

Our fascia is creating the support system we need to keep our body in whatever postures we hold most and it also forms in connection to our movement (or lack of it) in space.

On another level every emotion, every affect first appears in the tissue, we then interpret (or we don’t) the meaning of the sensations we feel in our body. 

So whether we contract in fear or expand in love it is happening on every level and it will play an immeasurable role in how our body and our tissues form on both micro and macro levels. Tension masks sensation- when we avoid our feelings by holding them in and pushing them down we develop holding patterns that deny our own expression.

Try it right now- think about someone or something you unequivocally love- what are the sensations in your body? Now think of an event or situation that evokes fear, what does that feel like in your body? Now bring yourself back to the good feelings… The next question is what do you do with those sensations: add tension to avoid feeling them, or allow yourself to express?

See Simple Movement Meditation to create some new patterns.

Photo Mónica Lou

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