Thursday, May 16, 2019


We need to change the way we exist in this world so that we are supporting life- our own life, each other’s life, and the life of the planet-our home- Mother Earth. 

The best way that I know to achieve this is to delve deeply into what it means to exist in and experience our human body. Our bodies can be seen as the microcosm and the earth the macrocosm. How we treat ourselves is a direct reflection of how we treat others, the planet (i.e. that which is outside of us.) In order for life on earth to thrive at this point empathy and support for the deep reality of existing must expand to others and to the earth. When we cut ourselves off and split parts of ourselves into pieces, objectifying our bodies, we do not feel the connection to all that is around us. So the body-mind split is dangerous. Look where it has led us. When we create separation we often behave badly. 

The "we are one" idea becomes more and more powerful as we look at the ways we have been behaving towards each other and to the world around us. 

So here is a little Sounding exercise to lead us toward acknowledgment of our own fluid nature (we are somewhere between 60-90% water, depending on our age) and origins.

Keep breaking up the pattern of the sound as you play with the sound, lean into the novel, leave behind the FAMILIAR. Chew on the sound and roll it around in your mouth, free up your tongue.

Mem- is the 13th letter in the Hebrew alphabet literally meaning- Water

It is a great sound to play with to bring coherence to the soft tissue in our body. It may also raise imagery or feelings. Let these things come and go like clouds.
The sounding should be playful and free. Go between the MMMMs and the EH part as often as you like. Let your tongue roll inside your mouth as you play with the MMMMs- allowing the tongue to do a rolling wave movement will change the sound within your head possibly producing overtones.

The 10th cranial nerve, the vagus nerve, participates in many types of processing and regulation within the body including heart rate, digestion, it even plays a role in orgasm. Sounding can stimulate the vagus nerve and lead to healing.

This work is drawn from Continuum Movement - developed by Emilie Conrad. I have studied with Mary Abrams and many other Continuum teachers.
Photo Credit- Ella Condon- Echoes in Willowbrook

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